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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Disappointed, to Say the Least

Mitt Romney, the candidate very few Republicans want, won by only 3 percentage points last night in Michigan, his home state and his wife's home state. That says that 59% of Republicans (and whomever else voted) did not vote for him. It's another 2008, where a Moderate Republican might squeak through the conservative lines and actually win the Republican nomination. Combine the percentage points of the other three conservative (mostly) candidates and those figures leave Romney in the dust. So where does that leave those of us who are diligently working to STOP OBAMA? It leaves us discouraged, to say the least.

We need a Bobby Jindal or a Chris Christie (who isn't really a conservative, but he's more likeable and more likely to run a tighter White House ship than Romney) or a Jeb Bush, although, really, I'm not sure Jeb could win against Obama. He is not his brother, but the Bush name is a tough brand to support. It's too late for Jim DeMint; we need a fighter who isn't afraid to say what needs to be said. And so far, the only candidate worth his salt was Rick Perry, and he's out. So where does that leave us? Discouraged, to say the least.

No matter who the Republican candidate is, I will vote for him. Even if it's Romney. I will grit my teeth, hold my nose, and pull the lever for him, because ANY REPUBLICAN is better than Obama. Let's see what happens on Super Tuesday. I would like to see Santorum straighten up his game, keep his mouth shut, and use some common sense on selecting what words he'll allow to escape his lips. He's our only hope, at this point.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Can Santorum Win the White House? Yes, He Can!

I just read a great blog post, and wanted to pass on the link: http://www.redstate.com/nikitas3/2012/02/21/can-santorum-win-the-white-house/

It's really worth your time to read it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Thank you, Mr. President

Obama has apparently dug his heels in on religious freedom. Despite being hailed as a usurper of First Amendment rights, the president has declared, essentially, that the debate over requiring religiously affiliated organizations to provide coverage for contraceptives has ended, and that the Catholic Church needs to suck it up.

This decision couldn't have come at a better time. This will rejuvenate the Republicans, and especially provide support for Rick Santorum's strong socially conservative positions on the right to life, marriage, and religious freedom. Governor Rick Perry was right when he said that President Obama had declared war on religious freedom. And here we are, facing war over this health care provision. Great timing for conservative Constitutionalists who aren't afraid of the fight.

Obama's Disrespect for Religious Freedom

Obama hasn't read the Constitution lately, which wouldn't surprise conservatives who are strong believers in the Constitution. Reference the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

"Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" means that he has no authority to force any kind of legislation regarding any kind of insurance supporting the use of abortifacients upon the Catholic Church or any of its many institutions. This is a freedom fight, not an abortion fight. This is a Constitutional fight, not a Church fight.

Can it be any more clear than this, that this president does not respect the Constitution?

November is coming. Hopefully, Obama will be going.

Gingrich Needs to Get Out Now

The conservative vote is being split three ways, between Gingrich, Santorum, and Paul. Paul is a non-factor, but Santorum could win this thing. Gingrich needs to get out of the race. In most races, the numbers for Gingrich and Santorum add up to more than the numbers received by Romney. As a Not Romney person, I'm urging Gingrich to get out of the race, so a true conservative can represent the Republican Party this fall and win back the White House. Santorum has more delegates and has won more races. He's surging right now, and if Gingrich really cared about a conservative winning the White House in November, then he needs to pull out and solidify behind Santorum.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Santorum's Sweep Means

It means I'll be taking a second look at Senator Rick Santorum.

I had high hopes for Newt Gingrich, but the "old" Newt has been seen the last few weeks and I don't like it. I'm giving Santorum another chance. I hope he'll do something with it, and excite the base as no other candidate has, except Gov. Perry.