Gov. Perry excited me when he entered the race. I danced and shouted around my home, thrilled that FINALLY, a true conservative with a fighter's spirit was running for president against Obama. When he pulled out of the race, my spirits plummeted. I looked at the field of contenders and felt as despondent about this election season as I did in 2008. Who in this race would represent my strong conservative values, both socially and economically? I didn't believe Romney was that person; he'd flipped on every issue and I just flat-out didn't trust him. Santorum? He appeared weak to me, a whiner, not someone who would hold his dukes up long enough to get in a good punch. Ron Paul? Puh-lease.
And then there was Newt, with all his baggage.
Now he's leading in Florida, and a part of me wants to be thrilled that his strong voice may, just may, reflect my voice. Another part of me cringes when anger crosses his face. Stay cool, Newt. Be presidential. Act the part; every president is a great actor. Keep it succinct. Stay on point. Get some rest. And come out punchin'.
If you do, we just might win this thing.
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