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Monday, January 16, 2012

South Carolina Debate

I'm not sure who won the debate tonight in South Carolina. Newt received the first standing ovation in debate history. I agree with so much that he has to say, but I'm not sure he (we) can get him into the White House with his baggage. I, like so many, would love to see him CRUSH Obama in a debate, but wanting that may not be enough to get the "W" after his name in November. Rick Santorum? I like him, mostly. He lacks charisma, which is necessary to win (what about Nixon, you say? Point taken). Romney, Romney, Romney. What to do with Romney. I'm in the Not Romney camp, because of all the flip flops. Man, that cat has flipped on every issue out there. But he looks good, doesn't he? Handsome, well mannered, a businessman--no a super businessman--a good family life, but he's a Mormon. The "but" in that sentence isn't mine, but some of the people I've talked to have a problem with it, and say they'll stay home if he wins the nomination. I think most American Christians have gotten over his Mormonism, but maybe not. Rick Perry. Now there's a man that should have had the nomination. A veteran, a governor with a successful record on job creation, 2nd Amendment proponent, pro-life (yes, he believes we should protect life; it's in the Constitution actually: the pursuit of life, liberty...), pro-marriage. But he has no clear path to victory, although I really like him. Ron Paul? Nope, nada, zilch. 'Nuff said.

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